Volunteering New Zealand Guidelines
Guidelines over seven practive areas to support volunteer engagement
Are you Youth Volunteer Ready?
A checklist for your organisation
Engage Youth as Volunteers. A support guide for community groups.
Rangatahi te Mahi Tūao
Guide for Managers of Volunteers
Useful resource for developing volunteer programmes from Volunteer Wellington
Top Tips & Ideas For Involving Volunteers in Your Organisation
Great tips from the Volunteer Centre Network
Mahi Aroha: Maori perspectives on volunteering
Research contracted by the Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector (OCVS) to gain a Māori perspective on cultural obligations and volunteering.
Involve Me – Enhancing Volunteering InvolveMe is an online self-assessment tool designed to give you a practical evaluation that you can apply to your volunteer programme.
Employment Law and Volunteers
Legal clarity under employment law.
Intergenerational Guide
A toolkit from Age-Friendly Belfast featuring principles, planning steps, and successful case studies for designing intergenerational projects. Includes strategies to foster empathy, tackle ageism, and build inclusive neighbourhoods.
Intergenerational Practice Evaluation Tool
Provides a framework to assess the effectiveness of intergenerational programmes. Focuses on relationship-building, reciprocity, and reducing ageism through shared learning experiences between generations.
Handbook on Intergenerational Volunteering
Offers practical advice, real-life examples, and reflections from intergenerational volunteers. It explores motivations, challenges and the personal and community benefits of intergenerational engagement.
Intergenerational Toolkit: Creating Aged-Advantaged Communities
Developed by Generations United, this toolkit includes planning tips and community assessment tools to support intentional, cross-generational connection. It promotes an asset-based approach to create stronger, more supportive communities.
Youth-led Intergenerational Toolkit
This toolkit was created from the experiences of young people leading intergenerational projects in their communities as a resource for others who are interested in leading projects.
World Health Organisation - Connecting Generations
WHO’s global guide on planning and implementing intergenerational contact to reduce ageism. It provides step-by-step guidance for designing safe, inclusive, and evidence-based activities that foster intergenerational solidarity and well-being.
This project is supported by the Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Age Friendly Kāpiti Approach with the vision ‘Our older people feel cared for, connected and able to contribute now and into the future.’
Capability Support Wheel
This wheel helps community organisations find resources to help strengthen thier capability
List of Community Organisation Directories For Kapiti/Ōtaki
Collation of current community directories as part of the Capable Sector Project
Wellbeing for Not For Profits
Links to Resources for Wellbeing for Not For Profit Groups - Capable Sector Project
Hints and Tips on Grants - Capable Sector Project
Community Comms Collective
Offers free communications expertise, resources and support to community
Community Net
A New Zealand online hub of resources designed to strengthen communities
Inspiring Communities
References, guides and perspectives to support community led development
Centre for Social Impact
Te Pūaha o te Ako is a knowledge and practice hub full of useful resources and online training on social impact
Communicating Your Impact
The JR McKenzie Trust have developed a workbook to help describe the difference your community group makes
Finding and Retaining Trustees Tips and Links
Governance Legal Help Sheet - Capable Sector Project
Resource Hub for all things Community Governance.
Taranaki resource for worksheets, links and free tools for community organsiations.
Policy Library for NZ community organisations, including Governance Manual.
Legal handbook on establishing and operating a charity
Handbook to track your charity information.
Resources on Good Governance, Legal Structure, Policy and more.
Charities Services information on responsibilities as an officer
Charites Services information for new Trustees/Officers
Resources from Volunteering New Zealand
Volunteering New Zealand has collected a great selection of useful resources and research below:
State of Volunteering
Rights as a Volunteer
Competencies for Managers of Volunteers
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or on 04 905 8884 / 06 364 6887.