Browse available volunteer roles by type, location or hours.
If you find a suitable role, complete the registration form on the page and we’ll contact you to arrange a time to chat with one of our Volunteer Advisors. There is no obligation – it’s simply a conversation of possibility. If you are unsure of what role you are interested in, you can still register your interest to volunteer and we can discuss role options with you further. Do contact us if you would like help completing the registration form.
When you first register your interest to volunteer, we will contact you to arrange a time to talk with one of our Volunteer Advisors. If you can't find a suitable role, then register via our Talk With Us page.
If you find a role you are interested in, the Advisor will contact the community organisation concerned and make arrangements for them to contact you and discuss the role in more detail. There is no obligation at this stage – just an opportunity to talk about the role and find out how to get started. If you are unsure about a role, you can take your time to consider options and let us know at a later date.
If we refer you to a volunteer role, we will contact you two weeks after your initial visit to ensure that the community organisation has been in touch about your selected role. We will keep in contact with you until you are happy with the outcome for the volunteer role(s) you have chosen.
Still have questions? Check out our volunteering FAQs.