Spotlight on a Member - Kāpiti Art Studio

23 July 2024 | Articles

Pop your head around the door in one of the Kāpiti Impact Hub’s sunny activities rooms on a Thursday morning and you are likely to find an industrious group of artists working away on their latest creations.

The Kāpiti Arts Studio provides an accessible and inclusive creative space where individuals who face participation barriers to the arts can express themselves creatively and connect with others in the wider community. Sourcing their inspiration from the surrounding environment and indigenous cultural influences, artists are nurtured and encouraged to develop their unique creative paths.

Under the guidance of the award winning environmental artist Rebecca Bond, volunteers provide gentle support and assistance to workshop participants in both Paraparaumu and Ōtaki, as they create beautiful paintings, collages, sculptures and wearable art for exhibitions, awards and sale.

The IHC Art Awards 2024 is currently hosting entries from some of the studio’s artists and preparation for participation in this November’s Kāpiti Coast Arts Trail is now in full swing.

In recognition of the significant contribution the folk at the Kāpiti Arts Studio make to our coastal community, they are currently shortlisted for a Wellington Airport Regional Community Award. Winners for the Kāpiti Region will be announced on Wednesday 28th August and we wish them all the very best for that!

If you are a good communicator, with a friendly positive approach and love of all things creative, you may like to consider joining the studio as an Assistant Creative Space Facilitator volunteer to support the artists with their amazing mahi.