Age Concern Kāpiti Coast Incorporated - Volunteer Celebration 2024

Age Concern Kāpiti Coast Incorporated - Office Administrators

We have an amazing team of five volunteer office administrators - each one taking on a specific role within our organisation. Our volunteers have had an amazing impact on how we now operate. Without them we would not be able to do so much as we currently do!

We are a small staff of three part-timers and having the input and support of our wonderful office volunteers has been wonderful.

One of our longest serving volunteers has been with us for more than two years and has been instrumental in updating and strengthening our membership database. New membership cards (designed by our volunteer) are now being sent to all members of Age Concern Kāpiti.

Another volunteer who came to us through Volunteer Kāpiti is now an integral part of the Companion Walking Service (CWS) team. The CWS is a new service with limited funded hours for the coordinator and she has been able to work alongside the coordinator to expand and grow the number of clients and volunteers involved.

Another volunteer started supporting the CWS team, but her role changed and now she is producing wonderful monthly newsletters for us, organising fundraising events as well as being a backup for membership.

Our two newer volunteers (who also came through Volunteer Kāpiti) are working on our website and facebook as well as supporting and helping with our Steady As You Go falls prevention exercise classes.

As shown, our volunteers are assisting us in all aspects of our organisation and we are so grateful for all their support and willingness to help us.