Membership Requirements

Membership Requirements

We care about our member organisations and our volunteer placements. The below policies are in place to ensure positive volunteer experiences for everyone.

• Volunteer Kāpiti will provide volunteers to registered not-for-profit (NFP) organisations (not individuals). Social enterprises may be considered by the Volunteer Kāpiti Board if the community/charitable benefit is considered significant.

• Organisations must adopt sound volunteer management practices. These practices include providing job descriptions, health and safety induction, appropriate training, supervision, support/recognition and reimbursement of agreed out-of-pocket expenses (if applicable).

• Organisations must adhere to the 1993 Human Rights Act, the 2020 Privacy Act and the 2015 Health and Safety at Work Act (and any subsequent additions and amendments) and any other laws that may apply to these organisations.

• It is the responsibility of member organisations to formulate their own insurance and volunteer expenses policies. Volunteer Kāpiti does not accept responsibility in this area.

• Volunteer Kāpiti will refer potential volunteers to its member organisations. Member organisations must have their own selection process. We request that organisations inform the volunteers and Volunteer Kāpiti of their decision.

• The decision to appoint a volunteer is the responsibility of the member organisation. Volunteer Kāpiti does not accept responsibility for performance of the volunteers or for the accuracy of the information supplied by the volunteers.

• Member Organisations agree to pay the annual membership fee of $80.00. The fee is set annually by the Volunteer Kāpiti Board. The fee will be waived for the first year of membership and then invoiced annually on the anniversary of the join date.

• Volunteer Kāpiti reserves the right to decline membership to, or to remove or suspend membership of, organisations that do not meet the above criteria.

If you do not meet all of the above criteria - please get in touch. Volunteer Kāpiti is happy to provide information and support to strengthen your volunteer programme, and help you move towards meeting our membership requirements.

Please confirm your understanding and acceptance of the above:
