Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week Shout Out

10 May 2023 | Articles

Want to give a shout out to an amazing volunteer or team of volunteers in Kāpiti? Enter our Story Celebration for This Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week here

Or you might want to send us a short video clip celebrating your volunteers. Email info@volunteerkapiti.org.nz to find out how to submit a video.

Share your volunteer story and the winning story will receive a $300 café/morning tea voucher to celebrate. All nominations will receive a certificate and chocolates and a chance to shine!

Stories will be shared throughout National Volunteer Week (18th – 24th June). Entries close 9th June.

Across the country Volunteering New Zealand and Volunteer Centres will be celebrating the significant contribution volunteers make.

Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector Priyanca Radhakrishnan advises:

“The Big Shout Out is an excellent opportunity to show how much we value our volunteers”. “We all know people who generously give their time, energy and expertise to causes they believe in. The Big Shout Out will be about recognising and thanking those volunteers doing what may sometimes seem like thankless tasks” “The reality is that they’re the backbone of our society. For example, 90 per cent of our community organisations are entirely volunteer run”.

Volunteer Kāpiti will celebrating volunteers throughout the week. Though sharing volunteer stories, we want everyone to recognise the difference volunteers make in our community, inspire more people to volunteer and celebrate the collective mahi aroha that supports our Kāpiti community. Keep an eye out on our social media throughout Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week.

Need some inspiration? Check out our 2022 Volunteer Stories here